martes, octubre 27, 2009

La noche y punto

La noche y punto, that's how I tittle the pic I chose for a friendly contest in revelandonos blog. I didn't win but I liked the idea of making photos with a purpose. This time, the aim was to catch a night image and there were many nice pictures.

Madrid, no date

miércoles, septiembre 02, 2009

martes, julio 28, 2009

photoespaña III

Too much information... time for holidays!?

Plaza de Jacinto Benavente, Madrid, Junio 2009

lunes, junio 29, 2009

photoespaña II

A street near Antón Martín metro station.
Maybe I shouldn't say it but I like the atmosphere of this photo.

Maratón de Photoespaña "desvelando Madrid"
viernes 19 de Julio de 2009, Madrid.

domingo, junio 21, 2009

Photoespaña - revealing Madrid

Friday afternoon, Photoespaña marathon started from Plaza Castilla at 6:30 p.m. The aim was to capture a particular vision of Madrid, revealing Madrid, and give back our result at 10:30 p.m at Plaza del Ángel in downtown. A big screen in the middle of the Plaza for seeing more than one thousand of photographs and then the winner. I didn't win, but I had a great time and now a lot of pics I will show you bit a bit.
This pic I'm posting today was the one I choose for the contest.

Maratón de Photoespaña, "desvelando Madrid"
viernes 19 de Julio de 2009
Madrid, barrio de Ventilla

sábado, junio 13, 2009

Wish I were there!

Today's a really hot day here in Madrid!! It's almost a hell being be out in the street. So I'm dreaming of a place like that... any better idea?

Gran Canaria, photo taken 2 years ago.

domingo, mayo 17, 2009

Back in time...

Just admire what they were able to do a long time ago...
Alhambra, Granada, Mayo'09

martes, abril 14, 2009

domingo, febrero 08, 2009


¿Qué otro mar
si no el tiempo
para convertir
el arte de ser
en el oficio de esperar?
Garachico, Isla de Tenerife.
Julio de 2008

sábado, enero 17, 2009

On the road again...

On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been
Seein' things that I may never see again,
And I can't wait to get on the road again...
(Willie Nelson)

Parque Nacional del Teide, Tenerife.
(Agosto de 2008)

sábado, enero 10, 2009


¡Menuda nevada! Ayer era el peor día, pero tuve que hacer un par de gestiones en coche, y durante mi lento y accidentado viaje (al final todo salió bien) pude captar alguna imagen poco típica de Madrid...

Más fotos de ayer... de MEugenia en el post Nieva en Madrid

¡Buen finde!

It's not very common to see this post about Madrid city. But it's beautiful indeed, don't you think? Poor doggy!

sábado, enero 03, 2009

Too many lights...

Who needs Christmas decorations nowadays?
2009, sounds like we're living in the future!!
¡Feliz Año!
Cerca de Moncloa, 30 dic'08